The Crew
About the Crew
Ty enjoying a short road trip to Las Vegas in a Jeep with wife, Kim
Ty is the Macgyver of the group. He worked along side his wife for almost 20 years doing construction and custom fabrication, and then running the food truck. Being a dad of two girls defiantly has its challenges, but his biggest challenge is keeping his hands busy. Loving to create things and work with his hands, Ty can’t wait to have his next project (the Leopard 50) finished so that he can experience the world with his family… and find more boat projects.
Kim is the strong minded, energetic mom that loves to have fun with her family and tries to make as many memories with them as she can. After almost 20 years of working construction and then running the food truck alongside Ty, this new opportunity has sparked her passion for travel. Her ultimate travel wish is to see the Mediterranean, and explore Italy. She loves her family and shows them great support in all of their endeavors.
Kim (center) pictured with her daughters on Christmas 2018 at Dollywood
Sydney on her 22nd birthday, with her four legged bestie
Oldest Daughter (22)
After deciding she wasn't quite ready to leave home, Sydney asked to join her mom and dad on this once in a life time experience that she simply could not pass up. She loves Harry Potter, reading, her plant babies, the ocean and the sunshine. She keeps family as her top priority and hopes that one day she can follow in the entrepreneurial footsteps of her parents. You can follow her on Instagram @syd.travelstheworld to see more of her adventures!
Youngest Daughter (21)
Madison, who prefers to be called Mads or Madi, is paving her own way through life. Being on and off the boat over the last 3 years, she is exploring the world and herself. After moving to Houston, she decided that she wasn’t ready for her sailing adventure to be over and is back aboard Dauntless for a while, before she starts her next adventure. She loves hanging out with her friends, eating new foods, and is kinda pissed that she’s not a mermaid! You can follow her on Instagram @madi.travelstheworld to see more of her adventures!
Madi being super cute on a day out and about
Stella sitting in her favorite spot-the dinghy bow seat.
Precious Pup
Stella is our 5 year old black lab who is attached to everyone of us at the hip. She loves people watching, running into the ocean, chasing sticks, staring longingly at sunsets and would die if she didn’t get her snuggle time every morning and every night. She is gentle, adventurous and thinks that she can get anything she wants by looking at you with her painfully adorable puppy eyes. Don’t let her trick you into getting a second dinner!
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